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Every day we bring latest Gilgit Urdu news and information which are used by millions of people all over the world. Daily Ausaf is the biggest portal of Gilgit Baltistan Urdu news. You can get every local and international news related to Gilgit Baltistan here. You can get operational information on the main political, economic, and social issues which have been published on the Internet at www.dailyausaf.com, events, and problems of the Gilgit Baltistan.

Today it is the most comprehensive resource of information Gilgit Urdu news today in Gilgit Baltistan, which has accumulated the largest amount of online news about the life of all regions.

Daily Ausaf "Gilgit Urdu news website" has many years of positive experience working with government agencies, religious leaders and other significant social groups. The activity of the agency has been repeatedly awarded diplomas. Daily Ausaf is the Gilgit Urdu news agency of Pakistan. You can also get Gilgi Urdu news on our Facebook page. In order, if you miss the old news so you can get Gilgit Urdu news of yesterday.

Daily Ausaf is a dynamically developing news project informing about the latest events in Gilgit Baltistan. The site is updated daily by a team of experienced journalists. All news are published in the relevant sections. For the convenience of users, the site has different portals, where you can watch dozens of publicly accessible news for every taste.